To clear the editor’s, desk your writeup should be straightforward, thought-provoking, supported by strong evidence and in accordance with the aim, scope, and guidelines of the journals.

The following brief checklist provides a quick reference for you to follow during your submission and manuscript review process.

  • Papers submitted should not be under coexisting consideration at another journal.
  • Any actual or potential data overlap with previous studies should be noted and described in the letter to the Editor. In order to maintain masked review, provide an anonymized data transparency table describing actual or potential data overlap.
  • All new manuscripts should be submitted electronically. Electronic submissions should be uploaded to the Journal website through the section ‘Manuscript Submission’.
  • Files should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
  • Click for Manuscript originality form to be submitted by all authors in a single file at the time of submission of article.
  • All manuscripts must adhere to the Harvard Style (check the Manuscript Requirements).
  • Papers that violate the spirit of the guidelines (e.g., papers that are single-spaced, papers that use footnotes rather than conventional referencing formats, papers that greatly exceed 50 pages), or which do not clearly fit the mission of the journal will be immediately returned to authors without being reviewed.
  • Authors should keep in mind that papers are evaluated on a page-to-contribution ratio.
  • We encourage you to have a colleague peer review/ proper proofread any paper prior to submission to the GBR. To maintain masked review, please acknowledge your peer reviewer(s) and include other author notes in the letter to the Editor.
  • During the review process, including at the conditional accept stage, manuscripts may be subject to additional methodological screening that may require the submission of additional information (e.g. analysis code; analysis output; original data).
  • Accepted papers must fully adhere to the guidelines (also check ‘Manuscript Requirements’ section).
  • Published papers will use the affiliations of each author at the time of the original submission. No changes can be made at any stage in the review/publication process.
  • Changes in authorship (e.g. addition; subtraction; change in order) during a revision process must be clearly explained in a letter to the Editor.